Ratonhnhaké:ton (a.k.a. Connor) makes the leap to current generation hardware for anyone looking to fill any gaps in their Assassin's Creed history. The release date is March 29 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, so you won't have to wait too long to get started. The trailer shows what made the game stand out when it originally released in 2012 like climbing on trees and its impressive naval battles. It also highlights the graphical differences from that original version with better lighting and character models that make use of the hardware change.
The most important aspect of this release, though, is that in addition to Assassin's Creed III and all of its DLC, you will also get Assassin's Creed III: Liberation Remastered as part of the same purchase. The Vita game was an excellent side-story that many people skipped over because it was exclusive to a handheld, but Aveline's story is well worth seeing through if you missed the Vita version or its later port to 360 and PS3.
For anyone with the Assassin's Creed Odyssey season pass, these two games will be included with that purchase, but this release date is for the standalone product. There was, though, no word in the trailer of the recently rumored Switch version of the game, so there might yet be more news on this game forthcoming.